City of Ammon Open Access
Fiber Optic Utility
Discover how Ammon is changing the paradigm for residents, communities and providers.
We are committed to building and maintaining a robust open access fiber optics utility that connects our residents, businesses, and institutions. Our goal is to ensure that every individual within our City limits has access to cutting-edge technology that enhances their lives, fosters economic growth, and promotes digital equity at the lowest possible cost.
For more information about Ammon Fiber watch the following videos:
What is Fiber Optic?
Is there really any difference between fiber optic, copper, coax or even wireless?
What is the City doing?
Why is the City installing fiber, how does it work and why is everyone signing up?
What is everyone saying?
What should residents who sign up expect if their neighborhood is selected for fiber?
Why Sign Up?
The cost per home decreases as the number participating increases.
Signing up tells the City that your neighborhood has enough interest to fund the necessary construction at an affordable rate.
See the Map